Outreach Page





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The Platte Valley Astronomical Observers and Honey Creek Observatory conducts several public outreach events for schools, libraries, groups, and communities.   We thoroughly enjoy sharing our hobby with the public and wish to continue this program.  Sharing our equipment and the night sky helps educate the public about light pollution, which is becoming more of a problem in Central Nebraska - robbing us of a wonderful natural resource!  We have an opportunity to make our communities and driving conditions more safe while being able to pass on the legacy of dark Nebraska skies to our youth.  For more information on Light Pollution visit the Honey Creek Observatory site.

Neither the PVAO or Honey Creek Observatory wishes to make a profit from our outreach activities.  However, with the price of gas, it can be expensive to drive to various locations for the programs we offer.  If you would consider a stipend to help us break even with fuel, meals, and in some cases lodging expenses associated with requested programs - we would appreciate it!  Some groups have giving us gas cards - those are great!  We will not turn down your request if you can't afford a stipend.  There will be some limits of availability based on the schedules of our members.  If you want an outreach program for your group, feel free to contact any officer of the PVAO with questions!


Outreach Activities of the PVAO

and Honey Creek Observatory


 The PVAO and Honey Creek Observatory are Taking Reservations

For 2025 Outreach Activities.  Below is the Current List


Merritt Reservoir 4 viewing opportunities/yr are required for compliance with International Dark Sky Park

                             designation by DarkSky International

May 23rd Boardman Campground - Time TBA

July 25th Nebraska Star Party Public Night at the Observing Field

August 23rd Boardman Campground - Time TBA

October 18th Boardman Campground - Time TBA


Niobrara Night Sky Festival at Keller Park State Recreation Area

Sept 27th - Daytime Solar and Night Sky Viewing - Times TBA


Grand Island Public Library   Camp Augustine - Grand Island Nebraska  May 3rd  Time TBA


Probable Outreach Sessions in 2025

Cozad Public Library - Cozad Nebraska

Holdredge Public Library - Holdrege Nebraska

Nature Conservancy - Niobrara Valley Preserve

Nature Conservancy - Platte River Prairies


Photos Of Previous Outreach Events

Mark Urwiller - Web Page Administrator
Send comments to: mark.urwiller@tutanota.com

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