Officers: Want to contact them? Each are e-mail linked.
Astronomical League Correspondent (AlCor) and Treasurer - Bob Wenzl
The Platte Valley Astronomical Observers was formed in the Spring of 2000. It is comprised of amateur astronomers primarily from the cities of Grand Island, Hastings, and Kearney Nebraska and stragglers from Shelton and O'Neill. Some of us have our own private observatories, some of us are just beginners. We are united in our fascination for astronomy! We welcome anyone who shares interest in this wonderful hobby!
The Platte Valley Astronomical Observers meet at 7:30 PM on the 4th Thursday of most every month (except November and December). Our usual meeting location is in Grand Island at Shadowmoon Observatory, or you can attend online! You can find more detailed directions on the Clubnews Page. Our meetings are not bogged down with lots of club business, rather we welcome novices and concentrate on hands on observing or sharing entertaining programs. If you would like to join us or simply attend a meeting to see what it's all about, check out our "Club News" page for club activities and directions or e-mail us!
Special club observing sessions are sometimes scheduled. These sessions are often located at one of the private observatories owned by members, at Sachtleben Observatory in Hastings, or we may choose a location near you - to share the hobby with the public. Again, further information can be found on our "Club News" page, or, sign up for our listserv and get notified automatically about club events. See below.
Become a New Member and Bring Your Sweetie Too!
The Platte Valley Astronomical Observers Has a Facebook Page!
Click on the logo to check us out - and hopefully join the group.
I think you will find we are a fun bunch!
We also have a new listserv which you can join (free of charge - no ads!) which will
notify you by e-mail of club events, ask questions/share answers, and learn about astronomy.
We also have a notification text list which will let you know when the club and/or members are having
viewing sessions! It's free too! We just need your e-mail address and for the text list we need your phone
number and cell provider. You don't have to join both! Send an e-mail to to be added.
You can attend meetings virtually!
Join the listserv to have links sent to you.
Joining us is free! You read that right! It's free! Here is a page which lists the benefits of membership with the PVAO.
Mark Urwiller - Web Page Administrator
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